Friday, October 21, 2011

Short abstract of HTML 5

I've recently finished reading Pro HTML5 Programming. The book includes good examples, it is easy to read, and it's a nice introduction to HTML5. Some examples unfortunately didn't work but I guess they were based on an older version of the HTML5 specifications which wasn't supported by my browsers any more.

Following a brief summary of the new HTML5 features ordered by my view of their importance:
  • HTML5 WebSocket: This is a lightweight duplex communication channel between server and websites and it offers a faster way to send small messages back and forth. A WebSocket can just be opened once the http communication has already been established ("Upgrading the http-connection to WebSocket")
  • HTML5 Web Workers: A WebWorker is setup by a JavaScript and executes another JavaScript in parallel. Communication to and from WebWorkers is preferably implemented using 'Cross Document Messaging' or messaging via the Web Storage.
  • HTML5 Web Storage: Stores key/value-pairs in either a session store or a local store. The stores are isolated by their origin (e.g: can't access values from There are events published by the store which are fired when a value changes. Those events can also be used to implement messaging between websites.
  • HTML5 Canvas: A simple API to render 2D-drawings from within the browser using Java-Script. It's also possible to read and modify parts of the canvas using bitmaps.
  • Communication APIs: 'Cross Document Messaging' allows sending messages and events between parts of a website even they are not from the same origin. (which hasn't been possible due to security concerns before). 'XMLHttpRequest Level 2' allows the same for communication to the server. It means a website originating from '' can send XMLHttpRequests to different origins like '' and '' at the same time. The import part is that both sender and receiver of 'cross messages' have to be configured accordingly otherwise the communication is not possible due to security constraints.
  • HTML5 Geolocation: A simple API to access the browser's geographical location. The method of how the location is determined is hidden away by the API. Depending on the kind of browser and hardware the accuracy of the measurement can vary greatly.
  • HTML5 Audio and Video: Embeds audio and video natively in HTML. Defines controls to play audio and video. Audio and video editing is not included.
  • HTML5 Forms API: A bunch of new html tags and attributes that provide us with better semantics and therefore enable the browser to render more advanced or different controls. (e.g a control that just accepts E-mail addresses)
I'm really looking forward seeing where HTML5 will take us and what frameworks and paradigms will evolve around it. Will websites become more like traditional rich clients now?

1 comment:

Marco said...

Thanks for the overview. I just attended an introduction to HTML 5 session at Techdays Switzerland. Now I don't have to create my own brain dump :)